How UCUSTOM & Other Startups Are Finding Investments On BusinessDoor

UCUSTOM, a small startup that specialises in sneaker customising recently used the business angel platform BusinessDoor to source for angel investors has today secured a €500,000 business investment funding deal to design all the boots of the French football national team during the Euros 2020

The fashion startup company had been seeking financial investment to purchase the ROBOi 2.0 – an artificial intelligence powered customising robot which is also used to customise the spacesuits of NASA astronauts and which was also a requirement to clinching the Les Blues deal. Designing the boots for the French national team is estimated to potentially generate €6,000,000 for UCUSTOM in addition to increased global brand visibility. 

How The Story Began…..A Small Startup Seeking Financial Investments

UCUSTOM approached BusinessDoor in January 2020, explaining what financial investment they were seeking for and submitting their proposals on the website. As a business angel specialist, we offered some tips and advice on how a young startup like theirs can easily generate financial investment funds from business angels and they immediately generated interest among the thousands of professional business angels networked onto the BusinessDoor platform. Sixty-four days later, their round of financial investment sourcing was completed yesterday when an anonymous business investor concluded all necessary enquiries and fact-finding and concluded the deal with UCUSTOM, thanks to BusinessDoor.

So How Exactly Did A Startup Like UCUSTOM Raise €500,000 Investment from Business Angels?

UCUSTOM’s charismatic CEO Siou-Line released the viral U-Come 2 UCUSTOM video on the BusinessDoor platform in January 2020, explaining exactly what her dream was for UCUSTOM and why getting the deal with the French national team was important. The video was professionally produced by the BusinessDoor in-house team and investors started contacting the UCUSTOM profile account on BusinessDoor asking for more details. After several back and forth conversations, BusinessDoor settled on an anonymous investor who would provide the required funding and experienced coaching in exchange for a 25% ownership in the company.

The Story Continues…..Hundreds of Startups Finding Financial Investments On BusinessDoor Everyday

So far, BusinessDoor has found business funding for 17 companies in the first three months of year 2020 already. Among them is VenduLyon – a startup property for the tourism industry in France who has now successfully found angel investment funding that will enable it complete a €6,000,000 housing project construction in the center of Lyon. The project which will kick off in July this year is projected to deliver 192 housing and office units, using the latest green technology. The startup completed their business investment seeking round with 120 days on BusinessDoor.

Another recipient of BusinessDoor angel investment this year is Foodether company founded by postgraduate students in the reputable Burgundy School of Business. The startup company famous for creating the culinary recipe app raised €300,000 on the BusinessDoor platform in less than two months and was recently voted globally as the “Best New Cooking App in the European Market”. The company is currently gearing up for another round of investment seeking on the BusinessDoor platform as it plans to expand into the North African, African and Asian market in the first quarter of year 2021.

These two projects and also the UCUSTOM projects will be crucial to the way France continues to develop its global leadership profile and will also provide millions in taxes to the French economy. BusinessDoor has funded over €11.6million worth of angel investment since its inception in July 2019 and continues to find budding entrepreneur’s funding for their business ventures in the most cost effective, streamlined internet platform.

Are you an entrepreneur and still lacking enough funds to perform your operations optimally? What are you waiting for? Why not get on BusinessDoor today. It is as simple as registering and just recording a short video to investors explaining what your startup does and what you need the money for. Who knows, your business might just be our very next success story.

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